Friday, August 14, 2015

Commentary on Classmate's Blog

As I was reading the original editorial, Texas Strict Voter ID Law by Next Generation Feminist; I caught some key things that were stated.

As the author stated, I feel as if the law passed caused a lot of confusion and discomfort. Political races are a detrimental thing in our society. For instance, we elect a person to make drastic decisions and laws that could effect each and every one of our daily lives during presidential elections. 

Although I believe that the United States should make voting easy, I do believe that there should be some regulation on voting. If each voter voted one additional time, the outcome would severely change. Forcing the voter to supple some sort of identification, whether it be a birth certificate or not, is just in my book. As I previously stated, political elections are important to our society and should be taken with extreme caution.

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